1. gatk calling
1.1 HaplotypeCaller
1.2 GenotypeGVCFs
NB. Chr1.gvcf.list: gvcf list, one individual per line123456789java -Xmx6g -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp -jar GenomeAnalysisTK-3.4-0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T GenotypeGVCFs \-R ref.fa \-nt 4 \--variant Chr1.gvcf.list \--dbsnp dbsnp.vcf \-stand_call_conf 30.0 \-stand_emit_conf 10.0 \-L Chr1 \-o raw.Chr1.vcf
2. samtools calling
3. confidence snp dataset with overlap of gatk and samtools;SNPQ>30
4. final SNP
5. use Beagle to inprove genotype calls using genotype likelihoods from SAMtools/GATK
用Beagle,利用GL信息做genotype123java -Xmx3g -jar beagle/4.1/beagle.27Jul16.86a.jar \gl=input.vcf.gz \out=output.genotype
6. phase with beagle
7. phase with shapeit (human)