Filter and Trim your Paired-end FastQ file
get script
As you get the Illumina sequencing data from a company like BGI/Novogene, first thing you (probably) need to do is to do the sequnce quality check and filter the low quality reads.
Here I assume you have no adaptor problem and the sequencing company have already remove the adaptor before hand over you the data. will trim and filtering Paired-end reads in gz format, and the following reads will be removed:
Your have one Paired-end FastQ file named SampleID.1.fq.gz
and SampleID.2.fq.gz
with phred33 quality system, the read length is 100 bp,
the results will be:
If your reads are in Phred64 quality system, and you need to transform Phred64 reads to Phred33, run like this: