get script1git clone https://github.com/wlz0726/SequenceMapping.git
step1: Mapping with BWA MEM and sort with samtools, connected with tunnel
NB: samtools should be v1.* or later12bwa mem -R ref.fa SampleID.1.fq.gz SampleID.2.fq.gz | samtools sort -O bam -o SampleID.sort.bamsamtools index SampleID.sort.bam
step2: remove PCR duplicates with picard
step3: do local realignment of reads to enhance the alignments in the vicinity of indel polymorphisms
NB: GATK v3.6
NB: Note that indel realignment is no longer necessary for variant discovery if you plan to use a variant caller that performs a haplotype assembly step, such as HaplotypeCaller or MuTect2. However it is still required when using legacy callers such as UnifiedGenotyper or the original MuTect.